There is a saying out there that when a woman begins menstruation she enters into her power, in her menstruating years she practices her power, at menopause she becomes her power. It is a long journey, undoing years of cultural conditioning to reclaim and step into our power.
Many of us have become disconnected from our inherent power by living our lives in high summer mode all the time. That is, ON mode 24/7. Womens bodies are cyclical they are meant to have high times and quiet times, creative times and down times. What is valued in our society is production and achievement; it is at odds with the natural rhythms of a female body.
I look around me and I see many women my age who are exhausted and burned out and unwell. They are trying to work, look after young children and teenagers, some are looking after elderly parents. When I ask many women what they do for their self care practices they often look at me like I am speaking a foreign language. The common answer I hear is “I have no time for that’. If you have time for a glass of wine, you have time for pleasure practices, you only need 5 minutes each day. The question I ask them is “What is getting in the way of you giving yourself permission to pleasure?”
I know a lot of this is cultural conditioning. Women have been heavily conditioned to feel shame around their sexuality and sensuality. The word pleasure has become so coupled with sexuality and sensuality that just the mere mention of it evokes contraction in some peoples bodies. Pleasure can be sexual and sensual but it can also just be something that is pleasurable to us. It has become so coupled with those two words that it has disconnected us from our own bodies. It started thousands of years ago. I have been reading quite a bit lately around Aphrodite/Venus, the Goddess of Love. They are the same person. The Greeks called her Aphrodite as did many others and when the Romans came along they called her Venus.
The Roman Empire is known by some as the Empire without limits. In her book, Venus and Aphrodite, ‘History of a Goddess’, Bettany Hughes quotes the Roman writer Cicero. He states that the name Venus is derived from the Roman word Venire (which is the Italian verb for come). He says ‘Venus was so named by our countrymen as the goddess who ‘comes’ (venire) to all things; her name is not derived from the word Venustas (Latin word for beauty) but rather Venustas from it”. Venus is the goddess of love that is present in all things, that comes to all things, and beauty is derived from that presence of love in all things. It is from this, desire emanates. It makes sense really, don’t we all desire to feel loved. Don’t we want to experience it and see it in others? We all admire beauty when we see it, we desire what is beautiful to us.
The Goddess is simply an embodiment of an archetypal feminine energy that exists within all of us.
Jalaja Bonheim, Aphrodites Daughter.
In understanding these ancient texts, I’m beginning to understand where some of these negative connotations around desire, pleasure, womens bodies and sexuality come from. In the culture of no limits, those Romans in their pursuit of love, pleasure, beauty and desire, became a tad excessive in their life pursuits and it lead to many wars. They basically ruled the world at one point. A similar thing happened in the Renaissance and in the court of Louis XIV the Sun King. The pendulum swings hard sometimes when change is forged. From no limits to austerity. So a whole lot of coupling of concepts happened and before we know it, womens bodies are evil, pleasure is evil, desire is evil and leads to the downfall of empires.
Have you ever seen the painting the Birth of Venus in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence? For me it is one of the most mesmerising paintings around.
OK so back to us and current life. Pleasure is one of the best tools for self healing; it helps you reclaim your body and your life. Pleasure can start small with enjoying stimulating your 5 senses. Walking in nature, a soothing cup of tea. a gentle yin yoga practice. When it comes to sexual pleasure and healing we also start small with simple practices to bring awareness to and into your body. Using tools like breath, focus, intention, movement and sounding we create new pathways. Pleasure is healing because it creates new positive neural pathways in your nervous system. These pathways are reparative. When you build these pathways you develop a strong connection to your body and you are building and honing your capacity to listen to your body. You start to learn to like and love your body. You start to get comfortable in your own skin. You start to become more discerning about your choices of where to spend your time and attention. You learn to your honour your boundaries as your listening skills are enhanced.
The woman you knows her body, who is comfortable in her own skin, who is discerning in her choices, who honours her boundaries; she is powerful.
Mamagena has this great saying “The party starts with you’. Your healing, your growth, your sexuality, your radical self love, starts with you giving yourself permission to explore it. To shaking off that patriarchal conditioning that tells you you don’t deserve it and choosing yourself.
If you would like to bust off your patriarchal conditioning, come join me on my 6 week introductory program ReConnect. The enrolment closes tomorrow, May 11th. We start on the 12th. It’s slow and gentle paced because that is what nervous systems like. Come shake off some of that conditioning and learn some simple tools to pleasure so you can step into your personal power.
Pass this onto anyone you think might enjoy the read.