Midlife Masterclasses

In Midlife we go through a huge change. For those of us in female bodies we also have menopause, the end of our fertility. Our endocrine system is the deepest system in our body and changes to our hormones facilitate our developmental growth and change in life. We all go through a midlife transition, the developmental challenge of this stage is radical honesty, coming home to the truth of who we really are. It sees us moving from our first adulthood which is ego driven to our second adulthood which is soul drive. It is no wonder many of us find ourselves in the midst of an existential change, seeking more meaning and purpose in our lives.

In these short masterclasses, which are a selection of popular modules from previous courses I have run, I cover areas that seem to hit us front and centre in our midlife transition. Each masterclass comes with either reflective practice questions or a shot bodymind meditation for you to try.


Emotions at Midlife. $35

During their midlife transition many women experience enormous emotional upheaval. Much of this is due to hormonal changes and the impact it has on the Autonomic Nervous system. These big shifts cause the ANS to bring up what we have been repressing in life. For many people, these big emotions are the emotions they have kept on lock down for many years. Learning to let your emotions flow is a life changing, empowering experience.


Working with our Shadow $35

At midlife we often experience a deep longing for more in our life. Although we are not sure what this is. This is often driven by our psyches call to us to heal our inner child wounding and reclaim the parts of us that we have disconnected from that are living in our unconscious, our shadow. Healing unconscious wounding liberates us from adaptive behavioural patterns we created as children to survive, that are no longer serving us in our adult relationships.


Sexuality at Midlife. $35

During our midlife transition, particularly during perimenopause, we start to notice changes in the rhythms of our desire. In part, this is due to hormonal changes; your estrogen level is not your libido. Women do not systematically lose their libido at midlife, although the rhythm of it will change. There are so many reasons why your desire will change. In this video you will learn about pelvic and sexual anatomy and how when we feel safe we can receive, orient to pleasure, strengthen your bodymind connection and enjoy the best sex of our lives.


The Spiritual Practice of Menopause. $35

Our midlife and menopause journey is the autumn season of our life where we harvest the parts of ourselves we need to keep and let go of the aspects of ourselves that we don’t need anymore. This shift happens over time where we move from self awareness, awakening, integration and the birth of our new self. Using the inner seasons model, you will learn what the stages of transformation are and how to honour your cyclical body now that you do not have menstrual cycles to guide you. How do women, naturally cyclical beings, take deep care of ourselves now that we have more a more stable cocktail of hormones within us.

Sensuality at Midlife $35

Sensuality, the language of the five sense, is the language of the body, in particular, our autonomic nervous system. When we orient to pleasure, we build the life force energy in our body. Our Five senses strengthen our capacity for pleasure, nourishment and self care and our sensuality is a gateway to our sexuality. Our sensuality is a doorway to radical self love and self acceptance. In this module, I deepen your understanding of sensuality as pathway to generating life force energy, self love and building capacity in your nervous system.


Death and Rebirth at Menopause - Second Spring, birthing the new you. $35

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, menopause is known as Second Spring. For many women, this brings a new sense of self and we shift into a time where we want to bring our unique contribution to the world in a different way. How do we navigate that with our partners and friends. In this module we talk about this shift and how to navigate through our intimate relationships whilst birthing this new version of ourselves.