
What is the the greatest lesson a woman should learn?

Tell me what do you think it is…..

I will tell you through this beautiful quote from Rupi Kaur.

That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. it’s the world that convinced her she did not.

Ever heard of the Smush? Yeah I hadn’t either until about two years ago but I had seen it in action for years. I worked in Executive Development for many years and here is what I observed. When talking about females they were often critiqued for who they were. When talking about males it was what he does. Females Being, Males Doing. Females noun, Males verb. And often with the women it was always along the lines of her being ‘too much’ or ‘not enough’. This teacher I came across, she calls it the Smush, this either being too much or not enough.

Females have been taught to play small for a lifetime. Our grandmothers taught us and their grandmothers taught them. Why? To stay safe. Do not draw attention to yourself, keep those emotions in check. This is centuries of conditioning and trauma we are holding in here. When we have been doing this those neural networks working with the nervous system about danger; they are pretty on edge.

It also causes us to repress all those emotions. Anger is an emotion that needs to move outward. When you are constantly suppressing it - because hey lets face it women’s anger is not ok - it is exhausting and depleting. You are leaking you energy all over the place when you do this. No wonder women get so tired. Is it any wonder when a woman goes through midlife transition and her body says “OK enough of this bullshit you have to let this out and do it now, she is like a detonator about to go off. All the time. There is a lot to come out.

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When you have been ignoring your basic emotional cues for a lifetime and playing it small, you start to lose touch with what you are actually thinking and feeling, you get very confused. We stop being able to see the subtle stuff, our body often screams out in pain because she wants those emotions out there, where they are meant to go. We go numb, it affects our libido, we get overwhelmed.

Bodymind connection is the key. As is learning to express your desires. Complaining and nagging, they are unexpressed desires. Say that sentence to yourself out loud again. How do I express my desires I hear you ask? Practice saying what it is you really want. If you want to start practicing you desires, write ten our tonight in your journal. Every sentence has to start with ‘I want..”. Get explicit with your description of what you want. Play big.

Learning to celebrate your successes and do it with your sisters (actual sisters if you have them and friends we call sisters) is how we learn to honour each other.

I promise you, you have all it takes to step into your power and be absolutely magnificent, right there inside of you.

If you want to learn more hit reply and ask me a question or you can pass this onto someone who may be interested. I am running my ReConnect course at the end of May. It is a six week introductory online course to bodymind, to help you discover the inner wisdom and strength that you have. If you want to know more sign up to my mail list by subscribing at the bottom of my website.